Original gift on Mother's Day

Yes, yes, that Mother's Day is already here next door! And that very special person deserves a very original detail, that surprises her for her day.

That is why we want to remind you of our jewelry collections, 100% handmade in Spain. They are unique pieces, since we make them one by one and each leaf and each flower is different as the nature from which they come.

On the one hand you have the jewelry made with flowers, such as daisies, or colorful hydrangea flowers in various colors, including necklaces that carry 5 flowers of different colors. The pansies, a collection only available in part of the year due to its difficulty in handling and that bloom only in winter. And the anise flowers, with the background in blue or red that make them so elegant.

On the other hand you have the leaf jewelryThey are like those of laurel, in 4 colors, blue, green, black and purple with their combinations two by two also in the chokers. Bougainvilleas, a classic that always has sentimental connotations. The rue or fern leaves, super elegant. And the 4-leaf clovers, good luck, that we just took out and that have been spectacular.

In the collections you can find rings, bracelets, pendants, earrings and necklaces.

You just have to decide, and if you take the opportunity to buy this week you have a 15% discount using code COLORETASTREBOLES in the buying process. Go into www.coloretas.com and buy easily.

Be original, give Coloretas!